
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : WCW Bash at the Beach 1995 : BayWatch Party
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Its summer time which means you need to pack your swimsuit, sunscreen, towel and your WWE Network account as we hit this beach this week on KOA2!!! Remember that time when Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, Ric Flair and Vader starred with Pam Anderson and David Hasslehoff on BayWatch?? We go back 24 yrs to discuss this particular episode and how it centered around the WCW Bash at the Beach 1995 event. Then we continue the stroll down the beach by partaking in a Baywatch Party of the double main event of this PPV on the WWE Network. Why not watch the entire show??? Well it was WCW in 1995 and I wouldnt want to put any of you in that kind of discomfort. So join us for a day at the beach in nostalgic pro wrestling fashion only on Kick'n Out At 2!!!!

Saturday Jul 13, 2019
MOTD : Weekend WARriors - Ep. 12
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Welcome to Mark'n Out The Days : Weekend WARriors
Your hosts Coby and special guest The El from The Inept Super Villains Podcast, will take you back to the year of 1992- covering the Saturday standoff that brewed before the Monday night wars!
Join us on the magic school bus of professional wrestling podcasts as the hosting squad take a trip every Saturday morning to visit and relive WWF Superstars and WCW Saturday Night.
This episode covers the date of July 11th, 1992 with some added pop culture trivia
you can always find us on facebook and Podbean @WretroMania
follow us on twitter @WretroManiaPod
or write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
we're also part of MoleHoleRadio.com
you can find Dave over on
soundcloud.com and facebook @Kick'n Out at 2
follow on twitter @Kicknout2

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Kick'n Out at 2 : Trading Places : WCW Bash at the Beach 1994
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
A celebration is in order this week as we've hit the 1 year anniversary of KOA2!!! Its on this date a year ago where we premiered the pilot episode covering WCW Bash at the Beach 1996 in Watch Party form!!! This week we bring things back full circle sticking with the Bash at the Beach theme and covering the 1994 installment under our Trading Places Series!! What if Hulk Hogan was unable to dethrone Ric Flair in his WCW debut?? We conger up all the realistic trajectories of the winners and losers of this event from 25 years ago. Ponder and celebrate with us at the link below!! #KOA2Crew #WCWBashAtTheBeach1994 #TradingPlaces

Saturday Jul 06, 2019
MOTD : Weekend WARriors - Ep. 11
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Welcome to Mark'n Out The Days : Weekend WARriors
Your hosts Coby and special guest Raymond will take you back to the year of 1992- covering the Saturday standoff that brewed before the Monday night wars!
Join us on the magic school bus of professional wrestling podcasts as the hosting squad take a trip every Saturday morning to visit and relive WWF Superstars and WCW Saturday Night.
This episode covers the date of July 4th, 1992 with some added pop culture trivia
you can always find us on facebook and Podbean @WretroMania
follow us on twitter @WretroManiaPod
or write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
we're also part of MoleHoleRadio.com
you can find Dave over on
soundcloud.com and facebook @Kick'n Out at 2
follow on twitter @Kicknout2

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : WWF Canadian Stampede : Wedding Day Watch Party
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
This week on KOA2, the big day has finally arrived!! Its Wedding Day and we celebrate with a Watch Party Send Off covering WWF Canadian Stampede from July 6,1997!! Before Justin walks down the aisle and wins the "Big One" by saying "I Do", he joins Dennis and myself to watch this classic PPV event on the WWE Network. This night is famous for the Hart Foundation homecoming in the main event!! As always fire up your WWE Network, hit that mute button on your remote control and indulge in our alternate commentary at the link below, as we get the band back together hours before Justin ascends to the main event of holy matrimony later today!!! #InYourHouse #CanadianStampede #KOA2Crew #HartFoundation

Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Gaijin Wrestling Radio : Match of the Month - March 2019 : John Nord vs Stan Hansen - AJPW Champions Carnival - March 20, 1994
John Nord vs Stan Hansen - AJPW Champions Carnival
Join your host Coby Nida as he breaks down the history and details of this epic encounter. Enjoy the classic wrestling banter and insight as only WretroMania can bring you. You can find this match on youtube in the link below:
follow us on podbean, itunes, or any other podcast app by searching WretroMania
write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.comfollow us on facebook @WretroManiaon twitter @WretroManiaPodand please rate, review, and subscribe - Thanks

Saturday Jun 29, 2019
MOTD : Weekend WARriors - Ep. 10
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Welcome to Mark'n Out The Days : Weekend WARriors
Your hosts Coby and Dave will take you back to the year of 1992- covering the Saturday standoff that brewed before the Monday night wars!
Join us on the magic school bus of professional wrestling podcasts as the hosting squad take a trip every Saturday morning to visit and relive WWF Superstars and WCW Saturday Night.
This episode covers the date of June 27th 1992 with some added pop culture trivia
you can always find us on facebook and Podbean @WretroMania
follow us on twitter @WretroManiaPod
or write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
we're also part of MoleHoleRadio.com
you can find Dave over on
soundcloud.com and facebook @Kick'n Out at 2
follow on twitter @Kicknout2

Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : My Favorites Collection : Bret Hitman Hart
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
This week, Justin's excellently executed path to holy matrimony continues with the return of our "My Favorites Collection" covering the historic career of Bret the Hitman Hart. Justin sits down with me as we attempt to walk the path of Bret's career through the eyes of those infamous pink shades. From his classic matches to groundbreaking moments and everything in between, Justin goes into great detail at the link below why hes simply the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. #KOA2Crew #BretHitmanHart #MyFavoritesCollection

Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
MOTD : Weekend WARriors - Ep. 9
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Welcome to Mark'n Out The Days : Weekend WARriors
Your hosts Coby and Dave will take you back to the year of 1992- covering the Saturday standoff that brewed before the Monday night wars!
Join us on the magic school bus of professional wrestling podcasts as the hosting squad take a trip every Saturday morning to visit and relive WWF Superstars and WCW Saturday Night.
This episode covers the date of June 20th 1992 with some added pop culture trivia
you can always find us on facebook and Podbean @WretroMania
follow us on twitter @WretroManiaPod
or write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
we're also part of MoleHoleRadio.com
you can find Dave over on
soundcloud.com and facebook @Kick'n Out at 2
follow on twitter @Kicknout2

Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : Wrestling Wedlocked Countdown
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
In the spirit of Justin's upcoming nuptials, he joins us this week to count down the Top 10 Weddings in wrestling history. Who doesn't love a good rasslin wedding? A run in at the alter, unsuspecting news as vows are shared and a cast of characters you wish would decline the RSVP will all get covered and then some on this squared circle matrimonial countdown. Put a ring on it and say "I Do" right now!!!! #KOA2Crew #WrestlingWedlocked #MachoLiz #EdgeVickie #StephTripleH

Saturday Jun 15, 2019
MOTD : Weekend WARriors - Ep. 8
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Welcome to Mark'n Out The Days : Weekend WARriors
Your hosts Coby and Dave will take you back to the year of 1992- covering the Saturday standoff that brewed before the Monday night wars!
Join us on the magic school bus of professional wrestling podcasts as the hosting squad take a trip every Saturday morning to visit and relive WWF Superstars and WCW Saturday Night.
This episode covers the date of June 13th and also features the birthdays and passing of those who've contributed or have been a part of the wrestling business.
you can always find us on facebook and Podbean @WretroMania
follow us on twitter @WretroManiaPod
or write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
we're also part of MoleHoleRadio.com
you can find Dave over on
soundcloud.com and facebook @Kick'n Out at 2
follow on twitter @Kicknout2

Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : ECW One Night Stand 2005 Watch Party w/ Dennis Levy
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
An Extreme stroll down memory lane is in store this week with a Watch Party edition of Kick'n Out At 2 covering ECW One Night Stand 2005!! Fire up your WWE Network and join Dennis J. Levy and myself as we watch this hardcore homecoming from 14 years ago, discussing all the backstage rumblings leading up to this event and its aftermath. Relive the nostalgia that is #ECDub #ECDub #ECDub right now!!!!

Saturday Jun 08, 2019
MOTD : Weekend WARriors - Ep. 7
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Welcome to Mark'n Out The Days : Weekend WARriors
Your hosts Coby and Dave will take you back to the year of 1992- covering the Saturday standoff that brewed before the Monday night wars!
Join us on the magic school bus of professional wrestling podcasts as the hosting squad take a trip every Saturday morning to visit and relive WWF Superstars and WCW Saturday Night.
This episode covers the date of June 6th and also features the birthdays and passing of those who've contributed or have been a part of the wrestling business.
you can always find us on facebook and Podbean @WretroMania
follow us on twitter @WretroManiaPod
or write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
we're also part of MoleHoleRadio.com
you can find Dave over on
soundcloud.com and facebook @Kick'n Out at 2
follow on twitter @Kicknout2

Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : Trading Places Series : King of the Ring Winners 1993-2002
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
This week we find out just how good it is to be the king with the return of our Trading Places Series covering King of the Ring Winners from 1993-2002. We break down each and every King and play role reversal with their opponent. Had any of these Kings not ascended to the throne, how would their opponents have fared wearing the crown instead? Austin 3:16, the King of Harts, and all the rest may not have reached the heights they did without being crowned King, we ponder those royal possibilities right now!!!

Saturday Jun 01, 2019
MOTD : Weekend WARriors - Ep. 6
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Welcome to Mark'n Out The Days : Weekend WARriors
Your hosts Coby and Dave will take you back to the year of 1992- covering the Saturday standoff that brewed before the Monday night wars!
Join us on the magic school bus of professional wrestling podcasts as the hosting squad take a trip every Saturday morning to visit and relive WWF Superstars and WCW Saturday Night.
This episode covers the date of May 30th and also features the birthdays and passing of those who've contributed or have been a part of the wrestling business.
you can always find us on facebook and Podbean @WretroMania
follow us on twitter @WretroManiaPod
or write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
we're also part of MoleHoleRadio.com
you can find Dave over on
soundcloud.com and facebook @Kick'n Out at 2
follow on twitter @Kicknout2

Friday May 31, 2019
Friday May 31, 2019
With a scheduling conflict comes an opportunity to try something new and this week we do that as we cover the current affairs in the world of wrestling with our Extended Roll Call edition. Join us as I detail my eneving attending #WWEMITB, my thoughts on #AEWDoubleOrNothing, #JonMoxley, the #NXTTakeoverXXV card and more!!!