
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
We round out the Royal Rumble runner up talk this week with part 2 as Chris Donovan returns to help me finish what we started and navigate all the woulda, coulda, shoulda's with these individuals. From 2004 all the way to 2018, we find out how these superstars fared in Rumble history from 2nd place!!!

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Mark'n Out The Days : January 10th
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Welcome to a brand new, weekly collaborative podcast presented by WretroMania and Kick'n Out at 2 : Mark'n Out The Days
Your hosts Coby Nida and Dave Rosenbluth will be with you every throw back thursday- running down their favorite or not so favorite storylines, matches, events, birthdays, and monumental moments from that specific day of professional wrestling history.
This episode of Mark'n Out The Days will be covering the day of January 10th!
you can always find us on facebook @WretroMania
follow us on twitter @WretroManiaPod
or write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
we're also part of MoleHoleRadio.com
you can find Dave over on
soundcloud.com and facebook @Kick'n Out at 2
follow on twitter @Kicknout2

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
This week, Chris Donovan returns to join me as we discuss Royal Rumble Match runners up with "2nd Place = 1st Loser". Royal Rumble matches can be remembered most for the victors but this week we decided to switch things up and discuss the individuals that make the Rumble elimination highlight reels in WWE folklore. We cut the field in half with part 1 discussing runners up from the very first Rumble match in 1988 all the way to 2003. Hear us delve into all the the woulda's, the coulda's and shoulda's and how these runners up fare in Royal Rumble history!!!

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Mark'n Out The Days : January 3rd
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Welcome to a brand new, weekly collaborative podcast presented by WretroMania and Kick'n Out at 2 : Mark'n Out The Days
Your hosts Coby Nida and Dave Rosenbluth will be with you every throw back thursday- running down their favorite or not so favorite storylines, matches, events, birthdays, and monumental moments from that specific day of professional wrestling history.
This episode of Markn' Out The Days will be covering the day of January 3rd!
you can always find us on facebook @WretroMania
follow us on twitter @WretroManiaPod
or write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
you can find Dave over on soundcloud.com and facebook @Kick'n Out at 2
follow on twitter @Kicknout2

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : A Tribute to Mene Gene Okerlund
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Thoughts and reflections on the sudden passing of the late great Mene Gene Okerlund!!!

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : Trading Places : WCW Nitro vs WWF Raw 1/4/99
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
We kick things off in 2019 with our 4th installment of our Trading Places Series as we evolve the concept this time around and cover one of the most infamous nights in wrestling history, January 4th, 1999, WCW Nitro vs WWF Raw is War!!! Justin returns to help navigate the waters of this monumental evening where we play role reversal with Nitro's Finger Poke of Doom and over on Raw, Mick Foley's first WWF title victory!!! What IF Kevin Nash finger poked Hollywood Hogan and he did the J-O-B-??? What IF The Rock escaped with his WWF Championship spoiling Mankind's title aspirations? And how do these two events change the course of wrestling history had the roles been reversed??? Like we always do, we lay the groundwork with enough "What If" scenarios to shake a stick at it!! Put those buds in the ears and #ReImagine what could've been with Trading Places: Finger Poke of Doom vs Foley's first WWF title win!!!

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Mark'n Out The Days : December 27th
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Welcome to a brand new, weekly collaborative podcast presented by WretroMania and Kickn' Out at 2 : Markin' Out The Days
Your hosts Coby Nida and Dave Rosenbluth will be with you every throw back thursday- running down their favorite or not so favorite storylines, matches, events, birthdays, and monumental moments from that specific day of professional wrestling history.
This episode will be covering the day of December 27th!
you can always find us on facebook @WretroManiafollow us on twitter @WretroManiaPodor write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
you can find Dave over on soundcloud.com and facebook @Kickn' Out at 2follow on twitter @Kicknout2

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Hulkamania is Dead - Episode 11: WrestleMania VI
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
WretroMania : Hulkamania is Dead - Episode 11: WrestleMania VI
Welcome back to Hulkamania is Dead! The most original wrestling podcast
where the hosting squad has re-booked the WWF from 1984 -WITHOUT Hulk Hogan!
This week Coby Nida and Jimmy Price time travel to 1990 and fantasy book WrestleMania VI - what happens with Sting challenges Macho Man Randy Savage ?!
Find out what happens and where the hosting squad end up next- join us bi-weekly until 1993
follow us on facebook @WretroMania
on twitter @WretroManiaPod
write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
and you can always find us on MoleHoleRadio.com

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : WCW Starrcade 1998 Watch A Long w/ Darryl Rosenbluth
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
This week we close 2018 the same way we started, with a good old fashion watch a long on the WWE Network of WCW Starrcade 1998!!! Take a load off from the holidays, sit back, relax and have your WWE Network fired up and ready to hit play(with your TV muted of course because our commentary is far more entertaining than WCW's in 98) to join us in #ReImagined Fashion!!! With the year coming to a close and the holiday season in the rear view mirror my brother Darryl Rosenbluth joins me to reflect and reminisce on the 20th anniversary of an event that set the table for a roller coaster year WCW was approaching in 1999. We discuss Nash vs Goldberg, Flair vs Bischoff, DDP, some fantastic cruiserwieght action and we cant forget the 3 jobber matches that highlight this tent pole event, nonetheless partake in the festivities that was WCW's "Grand daddy of them all" or so we thought by hitting that download button right now!!!

Friday Apr 05, 2019
WretroMania meets Kick'n Out at 2
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
WretroMania : Kick'n Out at 2 - Wrestling Timehop Prologue with Dave Rosenbluth
Hey everybody check out the teaser for the newest podcast collaboration with Dave Rosenbluth of Kick'n Out at 2
you can find Dave and Kick'n Out at 2 on soundcloud.comon facebook.com/kickinoutat2on twitter @Kicknout2
you can always find us on moleholeradio.comwrite to us @ Wretromaniapodcast@gmail.comfind us on facebook @WretroManiaon twitter @WretroManiaPod

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : Naughty List w/ Jamie Garabedian
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
The holiday festivities continue this week as Jamie Garabedian returns in studio once again making it a 3peat to help me compile Santa's Naughty List. We break it down and name off all the evil boys and girls in wrestling history that would commit such heinous acts resulting in their residency on this infamous holiday list!!! Plus we will have a special announcement regarding future collaborations with a fellow #RetroSexual as we head into 2019!!! Click on that play button and come together with the rest of the #KOA2Crew for some yuletide fun in ReImagined fashion!!!

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : Wrasslin’ Around The Christmas Tree
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Deck the halls with us this week as we reminisce on many a Christmas mornings as a wrestling fan with this holiday edition of Kick'n Out At 2!!! Jamie Garabedian returns to partake in the holiday festivities reflecting on some of our favorite wrestling collectibles old Santa Clause slid down our chimney's back in the day!! Action figures, clothes, video games and more, we run down the evolution of wrestling merchandise and how these particular items factored into our Christmas mornings growing up. Don't wait any longer, ring in the holidays with us as we revisit our childhood and possibly yours too!!!

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Hulkamania is Dead - Episode 10: 1990 Royal Rumble
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Welcome back to Hulkamania is Dead! The most original wrestling podcast
where the hosting squad has re-booked the WWF from 1984 -WITHOUT Hulk Hogan!
This week Coby Nida and Jimmy Price time travel to 1990 and fantasy book the entire Royal Rumble from #1 to #30
Find out what happens and where the hosting squad end up next- join us bi-weekly until 1993
follow us on facebook @WretroMania
on twitter @WretroManiaPod
write to us @ WretroManiaPodcast@gmail.com
and you can always find us on MoleHoleRadio.com

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : Always A Brides Maid, Never A Bride
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
This week my close friend and longtime rival backyard wrestler Jamie Garabedian joins me as we compile a list of the greatest to lace up the boots but fell short of winning the World Heavyweight Title!!! We've got Horsemen, Harts, Ravishing Ones, Loose Cannons and more, these studs make the list and we give you our reasons why!!!

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
This week, we introduce a new concept to the show with The No Filter Theater Watch A Long!!! Joining me is the first lady of #KOA2 and the inspiration behind this new concept, my beautiful wife Nicole aka No Filter Nicki as we sit down to watch Extreme Championship Wrestling's Hardcore TV episode from 11/28/99!!! Load up your WWE Network, mute your TV and indulge in the alternate commentary from The Rosenbluth's as they get EXTREME with the likes of RVD, Sabu, Taz, the bWo, Shane Douglas and so many others!!!

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Kick’n Out at 2 : Black Friday Bonus Show w/Dennis Levy
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Its Black Friday and since I'm in the giving mood I thought why not offer up a bonus show!!! Dennis returns as we abandon the retro format and play Russian Roulette with the wrestling discussions!!! The conversation goes all over the place so if you need a distraction while out braving the elements of retail madness, pack a set of earbuds and take us holiday shopping with you in #ReImaginedFashion only on Kick'n Out At 2!!!